Pattern: optional injection =========================== When building reusable components sometimes we may want to make dependences optional. Let's imagine that we are building a class which handles user authentication that we will re-use between different projects: .. code-block:: python class AuthenticationService: def __init__( self, web_session: IWebSession, security_ctx: ISecurityCtx, event_bus: IEventBus, ) -> None: self.web_session = web_session self.security_ctx = security_ctx self.event_bus = event_bus def logout(self) -> None: """ Logs out current user. """ user_id = self.web_session.flush() self.event_bus.emit('logged_out', { 'user_id': user_id }) # ... more code In some of them we are using Kafka or other event stream broker (Kinesis, Redis, maybe even RabbitMQ) to publish different events from the system for analytics (``IEventBus``). But in some of our projects we don't need such functionality. Does this mean that we must create two separate ``AuthenticationService`` classes? No. There are two ways to handle this situation. Optional Injection ------------------ First one is to use optional injection. We simply make the ``event_bus`` optional and check if it's not ``None`` before calling it: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 6,19-20 class AuthenticationService: def __init__( self, web_session: IWebSession, security_ctx: ISecurityCtx, event_bus: Optional[IEventBus] = None, ) -> None: self.web_session = web_session self.security_ctx = security_ctx self.event_bus = event_bus def logout(self) -> None: """ Logs out current user. """ user_id = self.web_session.flush() if self.event_bus: self.event_bus.emit('logged_out', { 'user_id': user_id }) # ... more code If ``injectpy`` won't be able to find a binding for ``IEventBus`` it will use ``None`` value instead of rising an error. Null Object Pattern ------------------- Another way to handle this situation is to use "Null Object Pattern" - basically an implementation that does nothing: .. code-block:: python class NullEventBus(IEventBus): def emit(self, event_name: str, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # null implementation, do nothing pass Now, depending on the project you may bind ``IEventBus`` either to real implementation like ``RedisEventBus`` or null one which does nothing: .. code-block:: python kernel = Kernel() # we use redis implementation in projects which need to publish events kernel.bind(IEventBus, to=RedisEventBus) # we use null implementation if we don't want to publish anything kernel.bind(IEventBus, to=NullEventBus) .. note:: Both patterns will be equally good choices in most situations. You should probably go with "Null Object Pattern" when possible though, as it doesn't add any additional logic to the client class.